My thoughts
This isn't an one-time occurrence. Almost everyday or every other day atleast, there would be a certain event that makes me reflect on my actions and subsequently makes me think and feel that I have to improve myself to be a better person and that there are actions I can take to achieve that. The problem, however, is that I rarely act upon on these thoughts in a successful manner. Yeah, many times I have done what I felt were the right steps to enhance myself but I never sustain these measures. Consistency and determination are two attributes I desperately lack. My day to day life is always so lacklustre and I always expect my life to be better than this yet I do nothing to make it as such. Above it all, I feel like I know where my problems lie but I just don't bring myself to rectify them. I stick to my easy lifestyle way too much. I feel that in the end, it is up to myself to gather the willpower to better myself but when will that day come? Where or who should I be lo...